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It’s possible to perform over 20KM

Hélène from Run For Fit gives you all the advice you need to perform at 20KM.

General rule

Don’t test anything on race day: equipment, breakfast and refreshments (gel, isotonic water, etc.).



Hang in there until the end, plan your last long ride well and use it to test the equipment/nutrition you want to use on the big day.


Think of the 10-degree rule Don’t know what to wear? What’s the temperature at the time of your run? Add 10 degrees (the feeling you’ll get when running), and dress accordingly (it also depends on your adaptation to cold/hot). If it’s very windy, a windbreaker is always welcome, whatever the temperature.


With less than a month to go before the race, keep the shoes you’ve used up to now, and train only in those.


Especially the week before the big day, it is important to give only what the body needs. We think about lightening digestion as much as possible by eliminating fats, cooking our vegetables and fruit, drinking lots of water and preferably herbal teas. Theine and caffeine can have a negative impact on digestion, especially when running. Also avoid cow’s milk.

A typical day for a runner: (as an example)

Breakfast: 2 hard-boiled eggs, herbal tea, a slice of sourdough bread with almond paste.

Lunch: potatoes (2/4), chicken breast (1/4), vegetables (1/4) (more starch than protein)

Dinner : pasta (1/4), white fish (2/4), vegetables (1/4) (more protein than starch). In the evening, the muscles regenerate thanks to proteins)

Snacks: fruit (ideally banana), yoghurt, dried fruit.



If it’s hot (+25 degrees), slow down your pace, and drink plenty of water in small sips (always have a full bottle on hand). If necessary, sprinkle with water at each refuelling point.

Race strategy

Especially for runners, knowing the route will help you physically and mentally. Physically, because you’ll be able to manage your effort better by knowing where the (less) difficult sections are. Mentally, because you’re going to break up the route into different chunks of, say, 5 km, instead of seeing 20 km ahead of you.


Know your pace and stick to it! There’s no need to set off like crazy at the start line because your neighbor is doing it too…you’ll come across him at km 10…toast!


Eat 2 to 3 hours before departure. A pre-race breakfast you’ve already tried! Have a banana with you to eat before the race. Don’t miss any refreshments: remember to chew your water well to digest it better (i.e. don’t swallow it straight away, but mix it with your saliva). After the race, continue to drink plenty of water, and ideally eat 2 more balanced meals before switching to French fries and beer, but how can I explain that to a Belgian?

Happy recovery!

By Hélène from Run For Fit

Find Hélène on Instagram (

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